Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hydrogen energy source

Hydrogen, it’s been shown like a good energy source replacing fossil fuels, specially, in the auto-motion sector. DaimlerChrysler, General Motors, BMW, Ford and Fiat, are already immersed on the fuel of the future. Most of these companies build cars, move with electric motors, and feed with hydrogen battery, like alternating oil. The automobile sector, is the principal cause of atmosphere pollution, because, of the fossil fuel use. Finally the big companies automakers, had began, the most important trace in the last 50 years, which will have more glory the first arriving. How will apply the best solution to get rid of oil?

The necessity on searching a alternative way on fossil fuels from waste, like gasoline, moves in speed, and it will be insurmountable within 20 or 30 years, when the black gold began to finish, company of oil Shell suggest will occur within year 2040.

Now is time to develop, a energy based on new technology that requires, a big investment, diversified into different fields, with the idea on stopping the bloody consumption of fossil fuel, reduce the pollution, and that the wealth generated can be distributed easily.

A serious commitment and with an air of being the winner is the hydrogen

Hydrogen is the chemical analogue of electricity and the only real clean fuel. Like electricity, the hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally, to be use on its own, it has to be generated, or produce, within the consumption of other fuels. Like electricity also has a wide range of applications, and its bad to the environment, the negative side, is the fact that to generate hydrogen, it required double of energy, than carbon, nuclear, or solar panel, its storage is complicated and for transportation must liquefy, thus consumes 12% of the energy it can provide.